I guess really impressive would be an airport with only flights that….didn’t stop anywhere?
Countlessly many violations of this rule! Every time I eat lunch without swimming, for instance.
I’m going to go out on a limb and say you can’t be lucky to be x if everyone is either (a) currently x or (b) was once x and was x for exactly the same amount of time as anyone else.
My eyes, my eyes!
I know some people get stressed out at airports, but this is pretty grim.
What then, pray tell, does it have to do with??
‘Push’ would be much more informative.
The most useful place there is!
If it were true that as community members everyone acted with honesty, integrity, and respect for others, there wouldn't be much need for an honor code, would there?
Also to be prevented: the use of the door! (Note the use of the door.)